6 Important Things to Consider Before Renovating Your Bathroom

While the bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house, a bathroom renovation is a significant project. Updating your bathroom increases the value of your home. However, before you undertake this project, you need to do a lot of planning. 

A bathroom renovation is quite involved. Here are 6 things you should consider before you renovate your bathroom.

Pay Attention to the Budget Budget is the most important part of any renovation project. If you work on the renovation without a budget, you will find out how easy it is to go over what you can afford. Work on your budget during the planning stage. Think about how much money you will put into this project, depending on how much you can afford. 

Give yourself a small buffer to give you some room. Challenges may arise when you start the renovation process and this buffer will make sure you can cover any additional expenses. 

Design and Functionality You may have ideas on how to make your bathroom aesthetically pleasing. However, have you considered the functional aspects? As you browse through the wide variety of bedroom designs, ensure you conduct extensive research on their functionality.  Consider factors such as who will use the bathroom and how it will add value to your house.

Renovation Needs Do you want a small renovation or a major one? Answer these questions during the planning stage. Before you start your project, outline your renovation needs. Identify the things you can re-purpose and those you will have to replace.

Having this information upfront will help you make the best decisions for your project. 

Features and Fixtures Renovating and remodelling your bathroom will also require that you repair the existing fixtures. Evaluate your faucets, fixtures, toilets, sinks and more with the help of your plumber and decide what you will keep and what will require replacing. Remember to add these to your budget. 

Work and Time Sequence Do not assume that because of the size of the room, your renovation will be quick. Renovating a small bathroom may take as long if not longer than a big bathroom. The time taken varies depending on the renovation project. Create a work plan to reduce time wastage and make work easier. 

Choose Your Contractor Wisely Remodelling your bathroom can be long, invasive and stressful. Depending on the size of the project, you will have people in and out of your house for a while. Choosing the right contractor will go a long way. Find a contractor who would perform nearly all the jobs involved with the help of very few subcontractors.

Ensure you conduct adequate research before you begin your renovation. Planning will help you prepare in terms of time and finances. Reach out to a professional to learn more about bathroom renovations

About Me

Let Me Paint You a Picture

Sometimes amateur interior designers get hung up on what sort of pictures to hang in their home. I even commissioned a few paintings in the past just so I could have an image that fitted in with the rest of my chosen colour scheme. These days, I've discovered the benefits of purchasing antique art to make my interior decorations really come alive. There is so much choice out there that it is sometimes hard to know where to start when choosing art for a home rather than a gallery. My blog takes you through the selection and buying processes with all of the adventures I've had over the years choosing antique artworks for my friends' homes as well as my own.



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